Botcraft 1.21.4
No Matches
InventoryTasks.hpp File Reference

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namespace  Botcraft


Status Botcraft::ClickSlotInContainer (BehaviourClient &client, const short container_id, const short slot_id, const int click_type, const char button_num)
 Perform a click action on a container.
Status Botcraft::ClickSlotInContainerBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as ClickSlotInContainer, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::SwapItemsInContainer (BehaviourClient &client, const short container_id, const short first_slot, const short second_slot)
 Swap two slots in a given container.
Status Botcraft::SwapItemsInContainerBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as SwapItemsInContainer, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::DropItemsFromContainer (BehaviourClient &client, const short container_id, const short slot_id, const short num_to_keep=0)
 Drop item out of inventory.
Status Botcraft::DropItemsFromContainerBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as DropItemsFromContainer, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::PutOneItemInContainerSlot (BehaviourClient &client, const short container_id, const short source_slot, const short destination_slot)
 Take one item from source_slot, and put it on destination_slot.
Status Botcraft::PutOneItemInContainerSlotBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as PutOneItemInContainerSlot, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::SetItemIdInHand (BehaviourClient &client, const ItemId item_id, const Hand hand=Hand::Right)
 Try to set a given item in the given hand.
Status Botcraft::SetItemIdInHandBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as SetItemIdInHand, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::SetItemInHand (BehaviourClient &client, const std::string &item_name, const Hand hand=Hand::Right)
 Try to set a given item in the given hand.
Status Botcraft::SetItemInHandBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as SetItemInHand, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::PlaceBlock (BehaviourClient &client, const std::string &item_name, const Position &pos, std::optional< PlayerDiggingFace > face=std::nullopt, const bool wait_confirmation=false, const bool allow_midair_placing=false)
 Try to place the item at given pos.
Status Botcraft::PlaceBlockBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as PlaceBlock, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::Eat (BehaviourClient &client, const std::string &food_name, const bool wait_confirmation=true)
 Search for food item in the inventory and eat it.
Status Botcraft::EatBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as Eat, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::OpenContainer (BehaviourClient &client, const Position &pos)
 Open a container at a given position.
Status Botcraft::OpenContainerBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as OpenContainer, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::CloseContainer (BehaviourClient &client, const short container_id=-1)
 Close an opened container.
Status Botcraft::CloseContainerBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as CloseContainer, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::LogInventoryContent (BehaviourClient &client, const LogLevel level=LogLevel::Info)
 Log all the inventory content at given log level.
Status Botcraft::LogInventoryContentBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as LogInventoryContent, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::Trade (BehaviourClient &client, const int item_id, const bool buy, const int trade_id=-1)
 Buy or sell an item, assuming a trading window is currently opened.
Status Botcraft::TradeBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as Trade, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::TradeName (BehaviourClient &client, const std::string &item_name, const bool buy, const int trade_id=-1)
 Buy or sell an item, assuming a trading window is currently opened.
Status Botcraft::TradeNameBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as TradeName, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::Craft (BehaviourClient &client, const std::array< std::array< ItemId, 3 >, 3 > &inputs, const bool allow_inventory_craft=true)
 Put item in a crafting container and click on the output, storing it in the inventory.
Status Botcraft::CraftBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as Craft, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::CraftNamed (BehaviourClient &client, const std::array< std::array< std::string, 3 >, 3 > &inputs, const bool allow_inventory_craft=true)
 Put item in a crafting container and click on the output, storing it in the inventory.
Status Botcraft::CraftNamedBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as CraftNamed, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::HasItemIdInInventory (BehaviourClient &client, const ItemId item_id, const int quantity=1)
 Check if item_id is present in inventory.
Status Botcraft::HasItemIdInInventoryBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as HasItemIdInInventory, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::HasItemInInventory (BehaviourClient &client, const std::string &item_name, const int quantity=1)
 Check if item_name is present in inventory.
Status Botcraft::HasItemInInventoryBlackboard (BehaviourClient &client)
 Same thing as HasItemInInventory, but reads its parameters from the blackboard.
Status Botcraft::SortInventory (BehaviourClient &client)
 Clean the inventory stacking same items together.